Jacek Bieliński CV


ORCID: 0000-0003-1592-118X


  • 2012 - Ph.D. in sociology Department of Sociology, Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland. Thesis: Between Anomie and Fatalism. Social Regulation in Poland During System Change. Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Bogdan W. Mach
  • 2005 2009 - Graduate School for Social Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2002 – 2004 - MA in sociology, specialization in social psychology, Department of Sociology, Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland, Thesis: Role of Consensus and Social Homogeneity in the Process of Building Capitalism in Post-communist Countries, Supervisor: dr Leszek Chajewski
  • 1999 – 2002 - BA in sociology, Department of Sociology, Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland, Thesis: Poles - Germans, Poles - Ukrainians. The image of neighbours and the prospects for reconciliation, Supervisor: dr Bogdan Michalski

Honours and Awards

  • 2020 The President of Collegium Civitas award for scientific and research work. The research report “Czas pandemii w polskich mediach społecznościowych” [Pandemic time in Polish social media]
  • 2019 The President of Collegium Civitas award for outstanding academic achievement.
  • 2013 The Senate of Collegium Civitas award for outstanding doctoral dissertation, as well as its exemplary defence on December 10, 2012
  • 2013 Collegium Civitas Research Grant for Young PhDs

Research Interests

  • Social regulation and anomie, theories of Emile Durkheim, Robert K. Merton, Steven F. Messner and Richard Rosenfeld
  • Sociology of science
  • Legitimacy of social and political systems
  • Social capital
  • Social change

Research Experience

  • 2022-2023 “Postawy Polaków wobec imigrantów z Ukrainy” [Attitudes of Poles towards immigrants from Ukrain], Collegium Civitas – co-author, reasercher, data analyst, statistician
  • 2021-2023 „Zintegrowana Platforma Analityczna", Warsaw University – senior research specialist
  • 2020-2022 “Why does she earn less? Gender gaps progression in early career”, National Science Centre grant ID: 444603, 2019-06-17, reasercher, data analyst, statistician
  • 2020-2022 “PASSION: Partnership for suistainable development and social action”. Collegium Civitas. Project financed by the Polish National Academic Exchange Agency as part of the “Academic International Partnerships” Program, based on Decision No. PPI/APM/2019/1/00096/DEC/01. methodological consultant, statistician, data analyst, shiny web-app architect, and developer
  • 2020 „Czas pandemii w polskich mediach społecznościowych" [Pandemic time in Polish social media], Institute of Sociology, Collegium Civitas, researcher
  • 2018-2019 „WENA – Wiedza o Akademii i Nauce". Interactive web application presenting data on higher educations in Poland, [www.wena.opi.org.pl], National Information Processing Institute, project coordinator, senior developer, application architect
  • 2018-2019 „Rynkowa wycena absolwentów rocznika 2014" [Market valuation of 2014 graduates], SGH, Warsaw, Poland, researcher
  • 2018-2019 “Marketized Mentality. Propozycja nowych wskaźników teorii anomii instytucjonalnej na poziomie mikro” [Marketized Mentality. The Proposition of New Indicators of the Institutional Anomie Theory on Micro-Level], Institutie of Sociology, Collegium Civitas, principal investigator, head of the project
  • 2018-2023 “Ethos of Science and The Marketized Mentality of Academics in Contemporary Poland”, National Information Processing Institute: principal investigator, head of the project
  • 2017-2018 “Model teorii anomii instytucjonalnej (IAT) jako mechanizmu przyczynowego” [Modeling Institutional Anomie Theory on micro-level as a causal mechanism], Institute of Sociology, Collegium Civitas: principal investigator, head of the project
  • 2017-now “Badanie Ekonomicznych Losów Absolwentów” [Polish Graduate Tracking System], National Information Processing Institute: researcher, coordinator
  • 2017 “Młodzi w nauce” [Young people in science], National Information Processing Institute: methodological coordinator, data analyst
  • 2017 „Doskonałość naukowa" [Scientific excellence], National Information Processing Institute: methodological coordinator, data analyst
  • 2016 „Demokracja i rynek. Normatywne podstawy współczesnych zachodnich społeczeństw demokracji liberalnych"[Democracy and the market. Normative foundations of contemporary Western societies of liberal democracy], Institute of Sociology, Collegium Civitas: principal investigator, head of the project
  • 2016 „Asystent Osobisty Osoby z Niepełnosprawnością - zapotrzebowanie na miarę Konwencji o prawach osób z niepełnosprawnościami"[ Personal assistant of a person with disabilities - demand for the convention on the rights of people with disabilities] Magdalena Bielińska Badania Społeczne: researcher
  • 2015-2018 „Ethos of Science. Norms and Values of Academics in Poland", National Information Processing Institute: principal investigator, head of the project
  • 2014-2015 „Demokracja w XXI wieku. Etap 1: Kryzys demokracji - między teorią a praktyką? [Democracy in the 21st century. Stage 1: The crisis of democracy - between theory and practice?], Institute of Sociology, Collegium Civitas: researcher
  • 2010–2012 „Między anomią a fatalizmem. Regulacja społeczna w Polsce w okresie zmiany systemowej" [Between anomia and fatalism. Social regulation in Poland during a system change], PhD grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: researcher
  • 2012 „Normy i sieci społeczne w kulturze. Zadania publiczne w północno – wschodniej Polsce" [Social norms and networks in culture. Public policies in north -eastern Poland] financed by National Centre for Culture: coordinator and researcher
  • 2010–2011 „raportmniejszości.pl" research project by “Local Knowledge” Foundation (mon- itoring of hate speech against minorities in polish Internet): researcher
  • 2010„Internet na wsi 2009" [Internet in the rural areas in Poland 2009] research project by “Local Knowledge” Foundation for Rural Development Foundation: researcher
  • 2007-2008 „Monitoring i analiza wypowiedzi rasistowskich, ksenofobicznych, mowy nienawiści" [Monitoring and analysis of racist, xenophobic statements and hate speech], Collegium Civitas: researcher
  • 2008-2010 project „Empowering Social/Civic Skills of Elderly Women in the Multicultural Villages of the North-Eastern Poland" realized by Collegium Civitas, financed by The Trust for Civil Society In Central and Eastern Europe (PL/X2007/58): researcher
  • 2006-2008 „Pokolenie JP II: świadomość polskiej młodzieży po śmierci Jana Pawła II" [Generation JP II: Awareness of Polish youth after the death of John Paul II], Collegium Civitas, financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: researcher
  • 2005 „System wartości młodzieży w warunkach traumy społecznej" [Youth values system under conditions of social trauma] Collegium Civitas: assistant researcher
  • 2005-2006 „Mechanizmy utrzymania stanu równowagi systemu miasta w warunkach dynamicznych procesów migracyjnych" [Mechanisms of maintaining the balance of the city system in dynamic migration processes], Collegium Civitas: assistant researcher

Teaching Interests

  • Introductory and advanced courses on quantitative methods in social research
  • Introductory and advanced statistics course
  • Quantitative data analysis (R/IBM SPSS)
  • Sociology of science
  • Social regulation and anomie
  • Ethics in social sciences

Teaching Experience

  • 2013–today Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland, assistant professor, lecturer: “Introductory Course in Statistics”, “Statistical Inference”, “Introductory Course in Methodology of Social Research”, “Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences”, “Quantitative Data Analysis with R”, “Programming Environment R”, “Data Mining”, “Ethics in Social Research” - seminar, “Lie, a Big Lie - Statistics” - seminar, “Quantitative Data Analysis - IBM SPSS” - workshop, “Introduction to Quantitative Data Analysis in R” – course, “Social Structure and Change” - lecture, “Advanced Survey Methods” – workshop, “Logic” - lecture

  • 2011–2014 Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw, Poland lecturer: “Introductory Course in Methodology of Social Research”

  • 2009–2010 Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland lecturer: “Quantitative Methodology” - seminar on PhD studies

  • 2006–2013 Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland, teaching assistant: Statistics, Quantitative Methodology, Data Analysis and Reports Writing

Professional Experience

  • 2021-2023 Biuro Innowacji Dydaktycznych, Pracownia Ewaluacji Jakości Kształcenia, Warsaw University, senior research specialist
  • 2021 - today Laboratory of Statistical Analysis, National Information Processing Institute, Warsaw, Poland, assistant professor, since 04.12.2020 member of the Committee on Research and Development in the field of social sciences, OPI PIB
  • 2021 - today Deputy Head of the Sociology Department, Collegium Civitas
  • 2019 - today Assosiate of the Polish European Social Survey Team, IFiS PAN, responsible for development and design of the Shiny R Web application presenting results of the ESS study
  • 2019 - 2021 Member of the Sociology Department, Collegium Civitas, responsible for managing the diploma process.
  • 2016–2021 Laboratory of Statistical Analysis and Evaluation, National Information Processing Institute, Warsaw, Poland, assistant professor, methodological coordinator
  • 2014 - 2015 Laboratory of Statistical Analysis and Evaluation, National Information Pro- cessing Institute, Warsaw, Poland, laboratory head
  • 2013 - 2014 Laboratory of Statistical Analysis and Evaluation, National Information Pro- cessing Institute, Warsaw, Poland, principal investigator, acting laboratory head
  • 2013 - today Institute of Sociology, Collegium Civitas, assistant professor
  • 2013 - 2014 Centrum Badań i Analiz, Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland, principal investigator, manager
  • 2010 - today “Local Knowledge” Foundation, Warsaw, Poland, board member, survey research expert
  • 2010, 2013, 2015 Office of the Human Rights Defender, Warsaw, Poland, expert
  • 2008 Opinia Sp.zo.o., market research agency, Warsaw, Poland, analyst
  • 2007 - 2008 Institute for Structural Research, Warsaw, Poland, researcher

Additional Training

  • 2019 “Zarządzanie danymi badawczymi” [Management of research data], ICM, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2017 “Shiny application in R”, OPI-PIB, Warsaw Poland
  • 2017 “Sampling, Weighting and Estimation in Survey Methodology”, 2nd SERISS training course, University of Ljubljana, (Faculty for Social Sciences, Centre for Public Opinion Researches), Slovenia
  • 2016 “Structural Equation Modelling with IBM SPSS Amos”, Predictive Solutions, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2016 “Qualitative Data Analysis with Atlas.ti”, OPI-PIB, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2013 “The Challenges and Opportunities of Longitudinal Hierarchical Modelling”, 13th ESS Train, University of Ljbuljana (Faculty for Social Sciences, Centre for Public Opinion Researches), Slovenia
  • 2008 “Structural Equation Modelling for Cross-Cultural Research with the Program AMOS”, 5th ESS Train, GESIS (Mannheim), Germany
  • 2008 “Comparability of Survey Data Across Countries and Time”, 4th ESS Train, GESIS (Mannheim), Germany
  • 2008 “Sampling in Cross-National Surveys”, 3rd ESS Train, GESIS (Mannheim), Germany


  • Social Science Research Methods

  • Quantitative data analysis: R, IBM SPSS, AMOS

  • Qualitative data analysis: Atlas.ti

  • Advanced building interactive web applications with Shiny R

  • Advanced programming skills: R

  • Basic programming skills: Python, Swift

  • Intermediate SQL


  • Polish - mother tongue

  • English - good

Posted on:
April 19, 2023
7 minute read, 1477 words
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